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King Henry's Well

King Henry's Well: Welcome

History and Heritage

King Henry's Well
Lancastrian King Henry VI retreated from the Yorkist army during the Wars of the Roses after his defeat at the Battle of Hexham in 1464. He lived at Bolton Hall, sheltered from his enemies by the then Lord of the Manor and House of Lancaster adherent, Sir Ralph Pudsey. Henry lived at the Hall for a year, prior to his capture and eventual execution at the Tower of London in 1471.

King Henry's Well: About

King Henry VI

He was a pious and scholarly King; founding Eton College and King’s College, Cambridge. Legend has it that he discovered a Spring at Bolton Hall and commissioned a stone wall to surround the well. Now a Scheduled Ancient Monument, it features a bath-shaped receptacle built into the floor which makes it likely that it was used for bathing as well as drinking water.


King Henry’s legendary divining skills are said to be responsible for his discovering a spring and founding a well at Bolton Hall, where he stayed with Sir Ralph Pudsey in 1464 after the Wars of the Roses. The well survives intact as a Listed Ancient Monument and has recently been sensitively restored.

King Henry's Well: See and Do
King Henry's Well: Gallery

King Henry's Well

The site of the old Bolton Hall, King Henry's Well and grounds are now known as King Henry’s Mews which are private properties converted in 1997 from the estates remaining outbuildings and stables.

These are now private & not open to the Public, although King Henrys Well and grounds can be seen from the public footpath highlighted on the estate map or from our drone video and photographs which allows you to view the former grounds without entering the private grounds.

The residents of the estate would like to thank any visitors in advance in respecting their privacy and remaining on the public footpath.

King Henry's Well: About
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